Taiko, a leading blockchain player, has announced the fourth installment of its Trailblazers campaign, dubbed Trail 4 Challenge. The initiative, which...
Spot bitcoin ETFs had their second-worst month since launching in the U.S., with an estimated $662 million in net outflows, the report said. Spot bitcoin ETFs...
In this edition of the Bloomberg Crypto newsletter, Emilie Nicolle questions the dangers of experimentation in decentralized finance. In the cryptocurrency industry, it’s common for founders...
SINGAPORE, July 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKXa leading Web3 technology company, has released updates for July 6, 2024. OKX Wallet is now integrated with tanX...
Macroeconomics guru and CEO of Real Vision Raoul Pal says the total value of the cryptocurrency market is set to skyrocket to a staggering $100 trillion....
AMINA Banka Switzerland-based crypto bank, has announced a strategic partnership with Pyth Networka decentralized financial oracle. As part of this collaboration, AMINA Bank will provide price...
MANTRA has successfully launched its first $OM liquidity pool (LP) on the basechain. Following approval, MANTRA worked quickly to integrate $OM into the basechain ecosystem. The...
SPONSORED ARTICLE* A prominent cryptocurrency expert recently caught the attention of the cryptocurrency market with a bold prediction: Solana and Ethereum DeFi tokens could soon become...
The digital asset sector is entering a major growth phase and is in a much better position than it was two years ago, investment bank Architect...
The average pre-deal cash valuation jumped to highs of $37 million, suggesting that despite a lack of available investment capital, a resurgent cryptocurrency market has led...