
Fintech Revolution Summit in the Philippines



TraiCon Events will host the Philippines’ premier fintech event titled as “Summit on the fintech revolution” scheduled for July 12, 2024 in Makati City: the financial center of the Philippines.

This summit aims to bring together over 400 BFSI experts and fintech leaders to discuss and deliberate on trends related to financial technology and investment opportunities for the financial sector. Fintech founders, central bank officials, FSI experts, regulators, policymakers, technologists, entrepreneurs, investors, academics and media from around the world will come together to learn, discuss, debate and network.

Profile of participants: Financial Director, Digital Payments Manager, IT Manager, Fintech Manager, Information Manager, Retail Banking Manager, Customer Experience Managers, Angel Investor, AML Manager, Financial Regulatory Manager. Many fintech and banking technology solution providers, cybersecurity companies, e-payments and wallet companies, threat management companies, forex software and payment gateways will participate in the Fintech Revolution Summit as sponsors or exhibitors showcasing their suite of solutions for the future of finance.

Join us in the Philippines to pioneer the future at the Fintech Revolution Summit.

For more information on the event visit:


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