
Pyth integrates Keyrock to strengthen DeFi data feeds



Algorithmic trading and market-making company Keyrock has become the latest member of the Pyth network’s data provider community.

The collaboration would improve the security and performance of DeFi applications, as well as the accuracy of digital asset price feeds by leveraging Keyrock’s proprietary market data.

Keyrock, known for asset pricing and increasing liquidity since 2017, brings its experience and technical expertise to strengthen Pyth’s Price Feeds offering. The latter includes more than 80 market participants such as Jane Street, CBOE, Binance and OKX.

With this collaboration, rock key will bring its proprietary market data for crypto, currency pairs, commodities, and US stocks to the Pyth oracle. Pyth Network aggregates its price data with up to 63 other proprietary data providers, aimed at DeFi applications in the EVM, Cosmos, Move, Bitcoin and Solana ecosystems.

Keyrock’s participation in Python Network allows it to expand its on-chain involvement in the DeFi space with minimal cost and risk. Integrating with Pyth as a data provider allows Keyrock to generate revenue from data generated during its daily operations.

“By joining forces with Pyth Network, we can revolutionize on-chain price feeds, improving decentralization and security on a global scale. DeFi stands to benefit from the type of data that only an active and experienced market player like Keyrock can provide. We are excited to help push the boundaries of DeFi and bridge the gap between traditional, centralized and decentralized markets,” said Juan David Mendieta, CSO of Keyrock.

Founded in Belgium in 2017, Keyrock is a market maker and liquidity provider that develops self-adaptive algorithmic technologies to support efficient asset markets. Keyrock offers liquidity services to tokens, exchanges and brokerages within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

With connections to over 85 trading platforms, including centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX), Keyrock collects price data at scale.

In less than a year, the Pyth network has accumulated over $7.0 billion in locked value and now offers over 400 real-time price feeds across various asset classes including commodities, stocks, currencies, cryptocurrencies and, recently, ETFs. The network supports over 50 blockchains and handles trading volumes exceeding $100 billion.

Python Network addresses a critical need by providing high-frequency data in financial markets, meeting the demand for accurate and timely information among DeFi applications. It bridges the gap between on-chain and off-chain events through smart contracts that can be applied on any blockchain platform.


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